2010년 10월 25일 월요일

The future will several times through the Q station

So, I went from struggling to run across the sound of the piano that nearly one point, also from the name of dark brown scarves man Christian Louboutin up close. So, I have since Bowen things on it. .tell the truth, the whole process as if I have the initiative, it allows itself to be the first time I need for a man; can I do not dizzy brain, I know what I,m doing. Throughout the evening, I am not with his eyes relative, I am afraid I will see any; when my hand touched his chest that Bowen lush chest hair, my heart trembling a bit; I felt his body odor, the taste is ADIDAS perfume, a refreshing taste of healthy men.
Succeeding I touch his whiskers, the kind of feel a slight tingling in the hands of intoxicated me; I feel at the moment and I have agreed to this man as if past lives, meet in Paris. .One writer said that every man is a bottle of wine. If the process is a bottle of red wine woo, fine rich; then Bowen is a bottle of WHEISKY, warm mellow. .bold and presumptuous to compare my life with these two men, I fall? Maybe it can fall really is a beautiful gesture. .the future will several times through the Q station, I heard his music, it could be I did not get off to meet him, but will carefully smile about.

And I also see that playing the violin on the platform opposite the man

But when I got there, I searched through the entire station Christian Louboutin failed to find the Pieces. I have so foolishly stand in Paris the night wind in cool earth. That night, I made a strange dream, where there are valleys, there are white clouds, blue sky;
I dreamed was the breeze blowing the hair blocking his eyes; I lay numerous petal , I was a blind man holding face, he kissed me from head to toe, his lips are very rough ice, and then he was crazy coldly occupy my body, I ask chaos hair; I could not utter sounds, but loudly gasped, my hands have been groping in the petals, can feel nothing but intangible. Our side is always there is a cello quartet; this time, I think soft like your body is a chrysanthemum. .woke up, I saw the bed on which Wang flash, even laughed aloud. .I never have so deeply in love with a dream . .(9) .period of time thereafter, whenever the subway station at the Q stop, I will be out of the car to look around the site, I know it is not an illusion, that the sound must be about here. Finally, I and that Pieces was met, and I also see that playing the violin on the platform opposite the man.

This day will I am very frustrated

I have to admit Paris subway line really be confused, if it is to completely put it out I,m afraid we really need to understand life; but I am also so complicated line infinite respect for the designer said. I like walking through there, where the entrance is like a side of each export many hidden wonders of the door. I often face is full of innocent people being coerced with many rushed into and out of, Fortunately, I only take 3 lines and then for 7 line, which is not too difficult. the car I find a corner seat, and then bring their own headphones, then inside TORI.AMOS waiting for me. a hole LEE jeans, a long-haired pale girl is that live in China, too late to joy or sorrow.
Bowen I first heard the sound of the piano is on a Monday; I always do not like Mondays, this day will I am very frustrated. and from the subway, everyone in the face of the dark, I see that they do not like Louboutin Sale this day. in riding the subway, I was too tired to move. When I was half awake between I vaguely heard his Pieces, and I thought it was a dream, can have unlimited voice tells me the impact that it never made me feel real. I am just a parked immediately in the next when they rushed out the door, Then one breath to the other side of the platform to take the subway.

Including myself are thinking of you

At this point, Tory Burch red wine in the goblet of rippling, like my heart in my body jumped with glee. .you are not lonely , nothing should go out and get more to play, you know, a lot of people, including myself are thinking of you.
In fact, you should not limit itself to a box in the yard, you should make some of their own things. .Do you know how bright the sun in Marseille? I rented a typical Marseille now houses, narrow windows that have sun Wood Window. Come to see me. .20-year-old river men often call me, and every time I would look at holding onto a large colorful tulips, he said I smile like a normal bright yellow tulips, can I just smiled and put the flowers into a large holding vase. He was very humorous, he is very healthy, and he lived in that city of Marseille as the sun. I do not know why they should refuse him, so I did. .river in that city is already a minor celebrity in the Chinese, and he has a stall where the radio weekly broadcast in Chinese, he said every time he put the first song is br river, I can not accept you. I mean enough. .I know, but I will miss you a whole lifetime to. This sensational words can make every woman fond of him, but it really conceivable way woo blue eyes that day I decided Moncler Men to make a hard-hearted person.

2010년 10월 17일 일요일

If the people around you now have live in a better place, you even feel comfortable living in the villa

If the people around you now have live in a better place, you even feel comfortable living in the villa, you will not be very happy. .I am a ballet, and teach you a good way to slim, very practical Oh! I spent 10 .I started ballet 6 years old, ten years, and now 19-year-old sub-61 .1 m , keeping 80mm84 kilograms. because the Middle School do not dance, and the fat a little.even before the thin, about 75 pounds. and that is very slim, arm, leg, very slim. at that time to dance, we dance teacher taught us a very Herve Leger effective method of practical training body, (our dance teacher too pretty, and good temperament, looks just like Strictly Come Dancing in the EMMA, really like to.). to see a lot of MM jar distress for the weight, I tell you this method. In fact, most of all dancing friends with this method. is all right at home when the Dianqi toes, hands held up as much as possible, like ballet, like to walk around, I walk every day an hour (I like to dance in front of the mirror, Oh, is not it a bit narcissistic ah) is not a professional dance, then walk a half hours a day is enough. slimming effect is obvious. Not only that, but would not like to take medicine to lose weight that would relax the skin is shriveled appearance. hands and feet will have the feeling of being stretched very thin feeling. plastic body effect is very good. hope you .

This Is Why? .Professor Xi, people in the end is not happiness, and absolute wealth depends on many unrelated factors.

This Is Why? .Professor Xi, people in the end is not happiness, and absolute wealth depends on many unrelated factors. In view of the basis of previous research, Professor Xi is currently developing a new, rigorous theoretical to study how to maximize people's happiness. and Economics (Economics) corresponds to such a science professor Xi called maximize people's happiness. .less than absolute wealth, there are factors which affect our happiness in it? .temporal comparison and comparison of the community can Moncler bring happiness to people. For example, you recently in Shanghai The city bought a house, you feel very happy.but in reality only a small part of you feel happy because you live in this house brings you more because it is more generated. from the time comparison, if you used to live in the attic, so now you live in villa you will feel very happy. If you've lived in a garden house, you will not feel particularly happy. from social comparison, if you and the people around you, your friends and colleagues compared found that others are still living in ordinary public housing, and you now have your own villa, you will certainly be very happy.

Professor Xi, not only the individual can apply these principles to influence their level of concern of people happy,

Professor Xi, not only the individual can apply these principles to influence their level of concern of people happy, the company can use these principles also affect the investment behavior of the stock holders. .people who have Happy mmm maximize people's happiness .like to work for a higher wage? .certainly want to. .why the pursuit of more wages then? .to life richer. .then more prosperous life for what? .hh .the final analysis, it is the end of life in the pursuit of happiness, rather than more money. because, from the The Christian Louboutin Sale biggest effect is not wealth, but happiness itself. .conventional economics to increase people's wealth is to increase the level of people's well-being of the most effective means.But Professor Xi, wealth can bring happiness is only a small one of the factors, there is happiness and absolute wealth largely depends on many unrelated factors. For example, in the past few decades, the U.S. per capita GDP doubling itself, but many studies found that people levels of happiness have not changed much, but the pressure increased. This raises a very interesting question: We have spent so much energy and resources to increase the wealth of the whole society, but the extent of people's happiness has not changed .

For example assumes that your boss rewards you today 1000 dollars

For example assumes that your boss rewards you today 1000 dollars, and you draw today, when a department store has drawn 1,000 dollars, then you should be good news for these two in two days to tell your wife, so she will be happy two. According to prospect theory, namely, experience twice the pleasure brought by the degree of and greater than the two were brought together an experienced level of overall pleased.
(b) If you have some bad news to be announced, should be release them together. For example, if you 1000 dollars today, lost wallet, and do not care to 1,000 yuan Herve Leger your wife's phone broke, then you should put the two together to tell her the bad news. because under prospect theory, the two losses brought about by the combination of the pain experience to be less than the two losses were caused by pain and. .(c) If you have a great good news and a little bad message, should these two messages together with information to others. In this case, bad news bring good news to bring the pain will be tempered by the joy, the negative effect of also much less. .(d) if you have a much of the bad news and a little good news, two messages should be published separately. In this case, the good news brought joy not just have been bad news for the suffering caused by the flood, people can still enjoy the good news brought happy.

2010년 10월 12일 화요일

You see me, from the high school English,

You see me, from the high school English, University of Science, Master of Science, Ph.D., spent much of my energy! how do you say that the Chinese high-tech research results obtained? I learned this a few days on my hands several female students and asked them doing, do not see shadows, all day long test case, test like that, to the United States do? in the country living to be doing something!
you all day test in English, the Americans even have to collect your money Baoge Ming The Japanese, too, Chinese students to Japan to pay a fee to study in Japan for the Japanese workers, finally some money paid tuition, after reading Dr. inaugural Japanese companies, when Herve Leger the labor force, earned an the money to back home, bought a home appliance, put it all to the Japanese. you do not pay attention to this matter, there is all the economic problems. This is what the quality of education in the end. There is now a phenomenon: the University of triplet Year when 42 students, graduated only 15 people, and all the others can not graduate. Why? is because they play in college. This is the primary and secondary education failed! primary and secondary education is to obey the teacher management cadres , cadre management students, the children have learned to get along with adult oriented way, which is harmful and ah!

I think the psychology of Chinese people in recent years to what extent the distortion!

I think the psychology of Chinese people in recent years to what extent the distortion! foreigners do not understand that the Chinese people sick: why couples are not together, but one in a foreign country, one side and children in the country, the Chinese this is why?! parents old, whether people serve? abroad, whether miss their parents? answer is yes, but I do not know what to support face?! China was too poor to this Vice-like, I can openly tell you that I this is the highest figure with Zhejiang University in Japan because I went to stay in Japan for so long study in Japan, I can only ask him to eat a bowl of noodles: one night Please teach a person of 8 bowl of soy sauce, noodles, it cost me 1,000 yuan! So, I could Moncler not stay in Japan, like me, I now do not want to go abroad, you can go 10 days to 1 months, I can not stand!
serious note, today's children learn English, but parents do not speak English, the daughter of one of my friends in the United States learned English, came back to forget, this is the language features. Language is not the environment, poor school attendance. So, first, to cancel six so that children relax; second, the University of San Geyue a grade as a surprise about military training in English as soon as clearance, and then became the natural.

I am now the professor, I attend to get into computers,

I am now the professor, I attend to get into computers, but, Zhejiang University for special admiration out of my computer, curry favor with me: Gaode so well, I'll give you the computer you use to play with the future, engage in material cooperation with us, we can also dip it light. Now China points out the software, many young people went to the computer industry elite to wage their own can not become material, unfortunately ah!not like the material I have been doing, Professor, an honor indeed! us on a computer academician Pan Yunhe Zhejiang, Zhejiang University Christian Louboutin computer in the country ranked bench? Zhejiang best students to learn the computer, I often call: This is the evil! my classmates are now selling vegetables in the United States, selling Chinese medicine, can not become material, they but now they admire me so well in the domestic Gaode. their money is a little more than I do, but I now had the time in China, the United States than they are getting on in! So, this is not a money problem can be solved . I went to study in Japan suffered from a lot of pain, this time I went to British universities to see a dozen Chinese students, they complained to me: sleep four hours a day! Zhejiang University has a lot of old professors, a husband and wife with walking walk, children are in the United States.

Professor of English-speaking foreign language in China is not like the U.S. farmers sell vegetables!

Professor of English-speaking foreign language in China is not like the U.S. farmers sell vegetables! how look at this issue? Dr. Japan, Germany, a plenty of English professors can not tell ! how can we say that a person is illiterate does not speak English? language is a tool!
you do not have that environment, how can he speak to this language? For example, I am 35 years old started studying Japanese, I was The perfect Japanese. However, I study at home Herve Leger one year, sending professors to teach me Japanese, but I'm not having a good, very tight. because older, and learned all my grammar was wrong during the day, all night dreaming about the Japanese, and this When speaking of the grammar is correct! to Japan, I was working in the lab, and working people who learn Japanese 2 months than I learned on the slide, mainly because there is no environment. So, if I were Education Minister, I want to reform two things: first, the abolition of CET, a graduate student with the Chinese one you do not pass the English test 6 you do? look at post-graduate thesis written, their culture did not learn every day tick test in English: TOEFL tick, GRE tick, English test out the high points, which can be written in English papers in front of me passes the off? not pass the test! such trained people can do? their own professional point out all Meixue Hao! I told the bosses here remind one, and so I talk about what people who use the issue, you frequently must now recruiting English well, do? speak English in the toilet? needs? Good to be calculated? that will not computer illiterate and this is a misunderstanding!

2010년 10월 7일 목요일

After many experiences as online chat

After many experiences as online chat, you will find the topic of conversation is very boring. nothing more than did not meet face to face direct communication intimate and real level. Therefore, most college students believe that the role of internet communication more meaningful entertainment, online communication should be appropriate interpersonal reality added to the link between people close but not more distant., Herve Leger Dress we can not underestimate the young college students on various social issues judgment.
Chinese youth from childhood to accept the positive education, in relation to the national destiny and national interests of the major issues,
Herve Leger the students ability to distinguish or strong, such as In the United States bombing of Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in the incident and the Taiwan Students will create a variety of network information on the attitude of most is judgment. Experience shows that users tend
Herve Leger Bandage Dress to mature a number of fixed-site stay, will not be chaos everywhere in the Internet , college students and network links more closely. If unable to escape it, so students should be open, normal state of mind to deal with the challenges of online media. .2, to strengthen prevention, preventive measures to face .


Network, is always enthusiastic college students, which is a
Christian Louboutin cultural, technological, and knowledge as depressed. network the occurrence of psychological problems College students are also in the process of growing up in the rapids and reefs encountered one. However, due to various factors, students in the face network, often can not grasp their own right, so deep psychological mud knows the network. Therefore, the correct use of the network tools, out of network mental errors, to face a variety of network mental troubles, is that each university students during the school must be addressed.
this issue is resolved well, students can enter the psychological quality of health network, surfing the network. Moncler 1, the challenge to cultivate the right attitude .network users must take an objective to evaluate the impact of the Internet media, but the network of sub-obsessed media, this is our positive attitude towards the network. should face the fact that : Most of the students attitude towards the network or the normal, positive. Thus, Moncler Jackets despite the BBS and the QQ, is gradually emerging social way and infiltrated by college students in their life, but its role is not to be optimistic about college students.

Among the advantages of network high-speed quickly become the main channel for college students access to information

Among the advantages of network high-speed quickly become the main channel for college students access to information. According
Jimmy Choo to the statistics, college students get the information through the network than the traditional channels of information obtained from the much
Tory Burch Shoes larger, which from the normal channels (teachers teach) the knowledge gained form a great contrast, a strong impact on the formation of students learning.
With an abundance of news and information, students should have recognized the merits, see around corners, giving top priority to the insight and imagination, Otherwise, they will follow in the footsteps of predecessors back, hard to innovation and development.
Chanel Shoes part of the students ability to identify low self-control is not enough, obsessed with online games, all through the night to soak in Internet cafes, not the normal classes, no time to rest study scores plummeted, there has been homework information to address the negative effects of the network, improve their ability to resist pollution, and consciously develop good online habits, limited in time their own, do not indulge in unrealistic virtual world itself is not only a computer network users, even computer network builders and the real owner. .4, college students how out of network mental errors .

2010년 10월 6일 수요일

Many students use e-mail users

Many students use e-mail users, chat rooms,
Christian Louboutin Boots BBS equivalent to living far away relatives and friends to strengthen ties, but too much time away online normal social activities and interpersonal time, caused social withdrawal, mental health levels. survey shows that students often access the Internet, most introverted, sensitive, depression and lack of
Christian Louboutin Sandals social interaction, usually taken due to lack of confidence escapism behavior. The appearance brought them a eventually be returned to the real world. If the long-term from the reality, has lost a true interaction between people that feel.
into the society may not be normal relations with people, or even possible social phobia, affecting the normal personality perfect. Christian Louboutin Pumps So , endless, uncontrolled access and escape from the reality of life, hamper the independence of students with mental maturity. .4. the impact on students learning .network instead of the library, so that truly independent study may be that this is a major change in approach to learning, to learn ideas and methods is a major change in knowledge for the students to update and adjust their own knowledge structure created favorable environment. Students are a special social group, their main source of information on books, Newspapers, Internet, television, radio and other media.